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DateRiskNotice TitleNotice Category
26/07/2018 BHJ 2013 LIMITED and JHB 2010 LIMITED (both in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
26/07/2018 NAS BUILDERS LIMITED and SKM MAGIC SERVICES LIMITED (both... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
26/07/2018 STERLING BUILDING DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
25/07/2018 KSH LIMITED and JB PLASTERBOARD LIMITED (both in liquidat... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
25/07/2018 BOMNAL LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
25/07/2018 SADHU HORTICULTURE LIMITED, TAKHAR HORTICULTURAL LIMITED ... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
25/07/2018 DELHI BELLY RESTAURANTS LIMITED and SHER-E-PUNJAB LIMITED... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 SOUTH PACIFIC CORPORATION LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 2ND TRADERS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 BRIGHTON SHELLEY LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 PIONEER CATTLE LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 CHOP CHOP BUTCHERS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 LIFE TIME CONSTRUCTION LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 TERRACE FREIGHT LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 VICTORIA TRUSTEES (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 BELLAMYS REAL ESTATE LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/07/2018 THE PLUM GROUP NZ LIMITED, PLUM MAINTENANCE LIMITED, PLUM... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 SHANE WARNER BUILDERS LIMITED and PRECISE DIGGER SERVICES... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 ASSET SURE QUANTITY SURVEYORS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 STERLING CONTRACTORS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 Liquidations Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 THE LIQUOR COMPANY LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 MIKE BOWRON BUILDING LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 CUSTOM CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/07/2018 CAESARS HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators