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DateRiskNotice TitleNotice Category
20/08/2018 AUCKBRITT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/08/2018 DATAFLOW CONSULTING LIMITED and TSI ADMIN 1991 LIMITED (b... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/08/2018 BOOST GROUP LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
20/08/2018 DIANA MOTORS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/08/2018 AJ OCEANIA CO., LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/08/2018 PIRTEK WAIKATO LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/08/2018 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
20/08/2018 MY BODY LIMITED and MY BAR LIMITED (both in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/08/2018 DEMAR HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/08/2018 TOTAL BUILDING LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/08/2018 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
17/08/2018 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
17/08/2018 LEE EUROPEAN LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/08/2018 Liquidations Appointment/Release of Liquidators
16/08/2018 PHIL GIBBS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
16/08/2018 ADDIT EMBROIDERY LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
16/08/2018 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
16/08/2018 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
15/08/2018 NZL HOME SALES LIMITED and KAYGAB LIMITED (both in liquid... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/08/2018 TOTARA GRASSLANDS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/08/2018 NNZZ HOLDING LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/08/2018 HUGFOODS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/08/2018 ALLTYPE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/08/2018 AKLEAN SERVICE LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/08/2018 CORCRA HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators