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DateRiskNotice TitleNotice Category
25/03/2021 CIVIL EQUIP LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
25/03/2021 LINK LOGISTICS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
25/03/2021 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
25/03/2021 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
25/03/2021 KASA CAFE LIMITED (in receivership) Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
24/03/2021 AVINASH ENTERPRISES LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/03/2021 ZCAP LIMITED (administrators appointed and in receivership) Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
24/03/2021 CREME DE LA CREME LIMITED and MRAVICICH RESIDENTIAL LIMIT... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
24/03/2021 RKN TRANSPORT LIMITED (in liquidation and in receivership... Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
24/03/2021 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
24/03/2021 JAGAS PAVING LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/03/2021 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
23/03/2021 BONITA VISTA COUNTRY ESTATE LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
23/03/2021 STANCO1 LIMITED, STANLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED (in liquida... Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
22/03/2021 NZ UNITED GROUP LIMITED (trading as Zaatar Eatery) (in li... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
22/03/2021 TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTRES LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
22/03/2021 AEROPARKS AUCKLAND AIRPORT LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
22/03/2021 GENERAL FENCING NZ LIMITED and INTERCEPT SECURITY AND INV... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
22/03/2021 COUNTIES CARE LIMITED, PARAMEDICAL PROPERTY COMPANY LIMIT... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
22/03/2021 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
22/03/2021 MEGALOG LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
19/03/2021 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
19/03/2021 Replacement Notice—TAUMATA PROJECTS LIMITED and PROCTOR B... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
19/03/2021 I HOME FURTURE LIMITED, CS LANE 2002 LIMITED (formerly SU... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
19/03/2021 SHEPHERD FARMS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators