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DateRiskNotice TitleNotice Category
20/03/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
20/03/2023 REVIVE CONCRETE LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/03/2023 ARNOLD’S TRADING (2018) LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/03/2023 COMFORT AIR LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/03/2023 F G HOSKING & SON LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
20/03/2023 Liquidations Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/03/2023 ULTIMATE CONTRACTING LIMITED and A J CIVIL EARTHWORKS LIM... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/03/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
17/03/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
17/03/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
17/03/2023 KBL HIRE LIMITED (in receivership) Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
17/03/2023 KBL STONE LIMITED (in receivership) Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
17/03/2023 TITANIUM TRUSTEE MANAGEMENT LIMITED (in receivership) Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
17/03/2023 CPH SERVICES LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/03/2023 OPAC GROWERS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/03/2023 KBL JOINERY LIMITED, GIGGLE OPERATIONS LIMITED, COMPLETE ... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/03/2023 COLORFLOORING LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
17/03/2023 THE RAINBOW CORNER GROUP OF COMPANIES LIMITED, FOR LIFE E... Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
17/03/2023 WOLF PROJECTS BUILDING SOLUTIONS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
16/03/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
16/03/2023 ZENIVA PHARMACY SERVICES LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
16/03/2023 TFL HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/03/2023 COOMBES AND GABBIE LIGHTING DESIGN LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/03/2023 LANDED INVESTMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
15/03/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations