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DateRiskNotice TitleNotice Category
05/05/2023 L & H FOOD TRADERS LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
04/05/2023 BODY & HAIR LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
04/05/2023 CONCRETE PLACERS 2020 LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
04/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
04/05/2023 YANGTZE INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION LIMITED, HARBOUR BASIN INV... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
04/05/2023 KIWI MODULAR HOMES LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
04/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
04/05/2023 JET CLEANING SERVICES (1995) LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
04/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
04/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 MK1 CONCRETE COLLECTIVE LIMITED (formerly AUCKLAND CONCRE... Appointment/Release of Liquidators
03/05/2023 EUROTORQUE LIMITED (in liquidation) Appointment/Release of Liquidators
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liq... Applications for Winding up/Liquidations
03/05/2023 NZ MODULAR HOMES LIMITED, THIS IS ELECTRIC NZ LIMITED, TH... Appointment/Release of Liquidators