Notice of Appointment of Liquidator The Companies Act 1993 (“Act”) Stephen Douglas Young, of RSM New Zealand (Auckland) was appointed liquidator of the above-named companies, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Act at 4.00pm. on 16 December 2022. The directors of the companies signed solvency declarations prior to the liquidations. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidator fixes 18 January 2023 as the day on or before which the creditors of the companies are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the claims are made. Notice of Intention to Remove Application to remove the above-named companies will be made to the Registrar, pursuant to section 318(1)(e), on the grounds that the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) will be sent to the Registrar on 1 February 2023. Objections to remove, under section 321, must be delivered to the Registrar within that period. Dated this 19th day of December 2022. STEVE YOUNG, Liquidator. The Address and Telephone Number to Which, During Normal Business Hours, Enquiries May be Directed by a Creditor or Member: RSM New Zealand (Auckland), PO Box 204276, Highbrook, Auckland 2161. Telephone: (09) 271 4527.
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- Category
- Appointment/Release of Liquidators
- Legislation
- Companies Act
- Debtor(s)
- Region
- Auckland
- Appointment type
- Shareholder
- Liquidator
- Which
- Unknown
- 9429046633101
- Directors
Neil Evetts
Lisa Mcfall
Wai Ling Teresa Chen
- Service Address
- Age
- almost 7 years
- 9429046633101
- Directors
Neil Evetts
Lisa Mcfall
Wai Ling Teresa Chen
- Service Address
- Level 2, Rsm House
62 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki
Auckland - Age
- almost 7 years