Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers Pursuant to Section 8(1A) of the Receiverships Act 1993 We, Grant Robert Graham and Neale Jackson, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, hereby give notice that on 12 November 2020 we were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the assets and undertakings of the above-named companies pursuant to a general security deed dated 29 May 2014. Short Description of Property Charged Under the General Security Deed: All the assets and undertakings of the companies. Person Appointing the Receivers and Managers: ASB Bank Limited. Description of the General Security Deed Under Which Appointment was Made: A general security deed granting a charge over all of the companies’ assets, property and undertakings in favour of ASB Bank Limited. The law requires receivers to be Licensed Insolvency Practitioners. More information about the regulation of insolvency practitioners is available from the Registrar of Companies. The Office of the Receivers and Managers is at: Calibre Partners, Level 21, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland. GRANT GRAHAM and NEALE JACKSON, Joint Receivers and Managers. Enquiries to: Alistair McDermott. Note: If any creditor claims a security interest over any assets of the companies, please provide details to the receivers and managers forthwith.
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- Category
- Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
- Legislation
- Receiverships Act
- Debtor(s)
- Region
- Auckland
- 9429036833559
- Directors
Timothy Alpe
Daniel Alpe
Christopher Alpe
- Service Address
- 81 Fort Street
Auckland Central
Auckland - Age
- over 23 years
- 9429030077911
- Directors
Timothy Alpe
Daniel Alpe
- Service Address
- 81 Fort Street
Auckland Central
Auckland - Age
- over 11 years
- 9429031636414
- Directors
Timothy Alpe
Daniel Alpe
- Service Address
- 81 Fort Street
Auckland Central
Auckland - Age
- about 15 years
- 9429031579803
- Directors
Timothy Alpe
Christopher Alpe
Daniel Alpe
- Service Address
- 81 Fort Street
Auckland Central
Auckland - Age
- almost 15 years