The Official Assignee is administering the following insolvent estates: AACSA LIMITED (in receivership) | 14 September 2018. IQBAL ENTERPRISES LIMITED | 19 September 2018. KIWI FUSION LIMITED | 14 September 2018. RAMS INTERIOR LININGS LIMITED | 17 September 2018. Creditors please note: If you claim a security interest over any assets of the above, or have any information that would assist, please contact us. To register a claim or to obtain more information on Bankruptcies, No Asset Procedures, or Liquidations please visit our website at OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Phone: 0508 467 658.Private Bag 4714, Christchurch 8140.
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- Category
- Appointment/Release of Liquidators
- Legislation
- Companies Act
- Debtor(s)
- Region
- Christchurch
- Appointment type
- Solvent
- Liquidator
- The Official Assignee
- The Official Assignee
Related Notices
Title | Date | Creditor |
Advertisement of Application for Putt... | 30 August 2018 | Commissioner of Inland Revenue |
AACSA LIMITED (in receivership and in... | 24 March 2020 | |
Advertisement of Application for Putt... | 30 August 2018 | Commissioner of Inland Revenue |
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- Service Address
- Level 1, 547 Te Atatu Road
Te Atatu Peninsula
Auckland - Age
- over 10 years
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Harvesh Dhall
- Service Address
- Suite 2, 1277 Cameron Road
Gate Pa
Tauranga - Age
- over 7 years
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- Directors
Shruti Kumar
Asnil Kumar
- Service Address
- 3 Strid Road
Te Atatu South
Auckland - Age
- over 11 years