613124 LIMITED

High Risk Appointment/Release of Liquidators17/05/2021

A liquidator has been appointed to 613124 Limited.

An appointment of a liquidator indicates that 613124 Limited has been unable to pay its debts and unsecured assets will be sold to repay creditors. If you are a creditor, we recommend you contact Tony Leonard Maginness (the liquidator).

Significant Risk Applications for Winding up/Liquidations30/04/2021

An application for liquidation has been submitted by Jason Charles Hussey and will be heard by the High Court.

An application for liquidation by a creditor is generally an indication that all attempts by Jason Charles Hussey to recover a debt from 613124 Limited have been unsucessful. A petition has been made to to the Court to place 613124 Limited in liquidation.

NZ Companies Office Extract
613124 LIMITED
Jason Hussey
Service Address
Shed 12, City Works Depot
90 Wellesley Street
over 31 years

Last updated
April 2021
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